“Solidarity Action Son Caló 2019 by Miquel Oliver”


Miquel Oliver Vinyes i Bodegues de Petra with more than 100 years of history, which has been supporting the Mallorca Sense Fam project for years, to help needy families, creates a solidarity action, donating two of its wines to this NGO, for the fundraising in these difficult times. Collaborate Rullán Navarro Distributors who will deliver the orders.

In its solidarity line of support for the actions of the NGO Mallorca Sense Fam, once again, Bodegues Miquel Oliver, creates a solidarity action to raise funds, with the delivery of the entire collection of donations, which is achieve, for a significant number of bottles of its prestigious wines, excellent to enjoy this summer.

Son Caló Blanc and Son Caló Rosat 2019

To collaborate in this action, orders for boxes of 6 bottles can be made to Mallorca Sense Fam by phone:

617 47 47 06 or at mallorcasensefam@gmail.com

in exchange for the donation of: € 44.00 A box of 6 bottles Son Caló Blanc 2019 € 37.00 A box of 6 bottles Son Caló Rosat 2019 · through an income or transfer in the account: MALLORCA SENSE FAM in :

CAIXABANK: ES52 2100 0972 9902 0030 7062

COLONYA · Caixa de Pollença: ES33 2056 0004 4210 0056 2825

Once the donation has been deposited or transferred, the proof of the same will be sent by e-mail to: mallorcasensefam @ gmail.com, or  WhatsApp to: 617 47 47 06 and by the same route the document will be sent to you to collect the order in Rullán Navarro.

Collaborate in this action RULLÁN NAVARRO who will deliver the orders to its facilities:

Camí de Jesús, 54 Polígono Can Valero · 07011 Palma

Phone 971 20 90 11 from Monday to Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

This solidarity action will allow fundraising to continue helping

with the donation of food, in these difficult times for so many families.

All of us who make Mallorca Sense Fam, thank Bodegues Miquel Oliver for their solidarity and generosity towards our project and Rullán Navarro for their help and collaboration in this solidarity action
